Thursday, March 12, 2009


As a follow up to the Dr's post, I wanted to add a few comments/concerns. The fact that we plagirize your garbage is hilarious. As Dr. Sloweff previosly mentioned, we support all of our information with links and proper back up. Your blog however, copies and pastes articles, has 2 sentences of comments, and nothing else. Which begs to ask...isn't that plagrism? Also, this leaved me wondering why I just didn't stick to reading, and better yet, wondering why im on this website at all? Second point is that all you guys do is post videos without any further information, sweet...i guess.

More importantly, it's weird how a tracker and pictures popped up on your site soon after we added them...weird?

It doesn't take a genius to realize where the real, firm, solid content is coming from. You guys are the plagirists and dorks.

PS- All you have to do is check the numbers, we run your shit.