This guy gets mad creativity points for his eff-ort to bypass the old Driving Under the Influence laws. In hopes of getting wasted and still getting home without having to walk or use public transit, hot rod here has created a mobile door to door solution. A bar stool mounted on a chassis and fitted with a jacked out lawnmower engine provided Mr. Kyle Wygle with the option of torching the roadways at a max speed of 38mph. I cannot tell you how jealous I get thinking of the options such a device would afford. You are always guaranteed a seat that the bar and you never have to worry about finding a parking spot when you arrive. Imagine the awe this type of "whip" would draw from the female patrons..."oh you're the dude with the motorized bar stool, that's soooo hot"...to which you answer "Eff yeah I'm that guy" and remember sloweffers, if you aren't "That Guy" than your only ever going to be "Some dude."
It seems things didn't quite go as planned for Mr. Wygle as he was arrested early in the morning on March 4th after attempting to pull a U turn in front of his house at 20mph. "Officers responding to a report of a crash with injuries March 4 said they found Wygle nursing his injuries and highly intoxicated. According to the police report, when asked how much he had had to drink, Wygle responded, "a lot."
Mr. Wygle has plead not guilty to the charge of DUI. We applaud your ingenuity and wish you luck fighting the "good fight" sir.
check out the rest of the article at http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/03/31/barstool.dui/index.html
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