Whoever effed that pig deserves a serious kick in the balls. In the most recent case of "disease that we should kinda be scared about but probably wont amount to that much," (See: SARS, Hoof and Mouth, Mad Cow, West-Nile, etc) it seems as though a mutated pig virus has SOMEHOW made the hop from pig to human. For those of you not learned up on this outbreak, cnn.com describes this illness as "Swine influenza, or flu, is a contagious respiratory disease that affects pigs. It is caused by a type-A influenza virus. Outbreaks in pigs occur year-round. The current strain is a new variation of an H1N1 virus, which is a mix of human and animal versions...The symptoms are similar to the common flu. They include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite, coughing, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea" The case is spreading rapidly throughout a private school in New York City. Apparently students who recently Spring Breaked, (Spring Broke?) in Mexico are suspected to have brought the virus back to the states, rapidly infecting their classmates. Now this is what I would like to know: How hard were these guys partying? I've been on spring break in Mexico and I've seen some crazy shit, but what the hell could they have been getting into that caused them to contract an animal to animal influenza virus? Did they consume undercooked meat? Unlikely. My guess is that one of these teens made out with a pig at the very least, but I wouldn't bet against a trip to third base. Keep an eye out for sick people and stay away from the bacon.
"They said that A.I.D.S was created because somebody fucked a monkey? Word?????"
ReplyDelete-Dave Chappelle