2009's Fall classic is no longer exclusive to (base)balls and wood(en bats)... Although they'll also be in attendance. That's right, the masterminds who brought us the Lingerie Bowl did what Snoop said and stepped their game up, forming the 10-team Lingerie Football League (LFL). Since I have a pulse, I had to check this out. Much like the ZogSports touch-football set up, the field is short, there's only one lineman and there are no field goals. But to encourage an actual fan-base outside of the hung-over-but-supportive boyfriend, the LFL has pushed the limits, giving these chicks shoulder pads and hockey helmets so nobody gets hurt when they two-hand touch each other into the turf w
earing less than the standard cheerleading outfit.

All in all, an A+ operation. My only concern is the cities they've chosen. Miami, San Diego, Dallas... All natural selections; it's warm pretty much all year round, who wouldn't want to play here. But Denver? New England? Chicago?? These aggressive exhibitionists are playing through January, which in case you're unaware, are NOT traditionally warm months, especially in these icebox cities. Maybe it's being played in doors? Well best of luck to those ladies, but you can kiss my ass if you think I'd go play tackle football in tightie whities on anything but grass; I don't care if they have the rubberized field turf, plastic grass and shredded car tires cannot be good the epidermis. Being from the NY/NJ area, I was completely steamed that my girls got no love, but considering the alternative, I'll take my peaches with their skin, bruise free. To check out team bios and uniforms identical to their NFL male counterparts, check out
http://www.lflus.com/. Or if you prefer, check out the steamy lawsuit filed by Tampa's rookie LB Melissa Berry here
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,473528,00.html From all of us at Sloweff, we wish Melissa the best of luck and that the evidence of the case be made public so that we may also weigh in with our opinion.
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