I'm sure all of you have heard that "there's a time and place for everything", well we stumbled across a site this morning that apparently has never paid attention to the phrase. Cuddleparty.com is a website dedicated to spreading cuddle awareness and promoting the beneficial effects of getting a good cuddle on. Apparently, this groups initiavtive is to promote "A structured, safe workshop on boundaries, communication, intimacy and affection. A drug and alcohol-free way to meet fascinating people in a relaxing environment. A laboratory where you can experiment with what makes you feel safe and feel good." Ok, i'll tell you one thing that doesn't make me feel safe and feel good, and that's curling up into a giant human ball and sharing my personal space and soft intimate caresses with total strangers. Honestly? Who the eff would ever sign up for this? Don't get me wrong, I love spooning, I love caressing, I love everything about it, but half of what makes cuddling so great is that fact that you're sharing an intimate moment with a loved one/close acquaintance/some girl you found on the floor of a bar. And drug and alcohol free? Thanks but no thanks Mother Teresa, I'm gonna stick to what I know. Creepster alert is high on this one my friends...go eff yourself cuddleparty.com and all that you stand for.
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