Holy shit people, holllllly shit. This weeks 2-4 featured more twists and turns than a monkey in a straight jacket trying to ride a bike. You had it all here, sick detonations, tense face to face meetings between good and evil, classic cast members, and the ultimate of deceptions. It’s safe to say that 1AM-2AM was the coolest hour this far, and no thanks to Tony Cool, now forever dubbed Tony (Un)Cool….but more on him later.
The beginning of this episode was enough to make you S your P’s. Tony pulled some sick tactical moves in getting to the fuel tanks and ultimately blowing
Then we move onto the heart and soul of this ep where we get to the rawww emotion. Miss Kimberly Effing Bauer had the nerve to show her face once more for an emotional 5 minute talk with her father. Bauer wanted nothing more than to keep her out of this, but he couldn’t stop the only thing he loves from getting to him. I’ll be damned if I didn’t get goosebumps during this conversation culminating with jack saying “I’m dying.” In the end, Jack decides that it’s not worth the medical risk to Kim
Ok so we had a power face off, the most emotional scene of the season, now we need the drama and deceipt. First let me start by saying, eff you Tony Effing Eff you Mothering Effing Eff. If you’re playing with my heart again im not going to stand for it, you build me up, you break me down, you build me up more, you level me. Make up your mind you piece of shit. I know the government killed your wife, but you didn’t have to take it out on Moss right when he was getting cool. This happens everytime. The dick cast member takes a while to warm up to Bauer, and when he finally does, he gets offed and effed. This better not be another sorry about that whammy swoop and sqwat because my emotions are in no mood to be played by you again Tony (Un)Cool.
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