"There's poop everywhere! Y-u-c-k," says 6-year-old Jordan Lien as he and his family dine at the Modern Toilet, a popular Taiwanese restaurant chain that's expanding into China and other parts of Asia. The boy was looking at the poop-shaped lights and dish covers and the curry on toilet-shaped plates." Every customer sits on a stylish acrylic toilet (lid down) designed with images of roses, seashells or Renaissance paintings. Everyone dines at a glass table with a sink underneath. The servers bring your meal atop a mini toilet bowl (quite convenient, as it brings the food closer to your mouth), you sip drinks from your own plastic urinal (a souvenir), and soft-swirl ice cream arrives for dessert atop a dish shaped like a squat toilet." It seems to me the asians are eating shit and lofving every minute of it.

Sushi, Anime, that little cat that chicks have on little back packs, imported goods, sweat shops, Tojo, dance dance revolution, anything electronic and now this...a restaurant where you sit on toilets, eat out of toilets and enjoy poo themed dessert. Who the eff are you Japan?
i want to fly to japan to try this out myself....is that sick? what an effing weird idea
ReplyDeletewho needs to go to japan, it's free in Penn Station.