In the past few years the market for male body spray, the poor man's cologne, has grown considerably. Leading that charge from the get go was AXE body spray. Offering a wide variety of scents with sexy names, using adjectives that evoke feelings of sex and the smell to boot. Their products range from body spray to shower gel and are all designed specifically to get the owner some desparately needed S E X. The idea AXE has is quite smart. They prey on the average joe and present the products in a light that suggests "with AXE you can be the Man." Sadly, with AXE you can really only be a man who wears AXE...anything beyond that is up to you.
Here is the latest AXE commercial with a little analysis of the situation. It's called the "double pits to chesty backflip" and it can only be down by those who use AXE.
AXE related game... Gel Breaker - it's axe's version of pong....