Two weeks ago Dunkin Donuts hit me below the belt when they began advertising/selling a new breed of sandwich. A hybrid of waffle, and the traditional dressings of bacon/sausage + egg + cheese = a staple breakfast food on effin HGH, and Steroids and shit. I was able to hold off and avoid endulging in this glutonous Roidwich until yesterday when I awoke knowing what it was I had to do. I had to eat this sandwich and then I had to write about the tasty experience...fat kid justification = "I ate it for my blog."
The timeline of my morning leading up to this foodgasm is as follows:
10am- awake and read bbm's referring to the waffle sandwich from The Honorable Eff Jats.
10:03am- in less words, I explain that this is a solo mission and I'll be going it alone
10:04- Eff Jats says "nooooooooooooo"
10:10- I have located the closest Dunkin Donuts and am en route with my lady and her friend, who i asked to come along for moral support.
10:17- I arrive and quiver as I have never been to a fully loaded Dunkin Donuts with the full compliment of subs, breakfast sandwiches, donuts, coffe and Baskin Robbins all lined up...(will be discussed in addendum to this post)
10:21- I force myself to refocus after the system overload and I navigate the menu for my waffle based prize.
10:22- I have ordered and await the arrival of my sandwich. In this time we discuss the pros and cons for sitting and eating there. We decide to eat there...i couldn't wait through the walk home with a sandwich in my hand.
10:25- I am sitting down at the table...It's On

I was initially suprised that the waffles were softer, more like bread I would say. I was expecting it to be more crisp like the Eggo's I knew and loved as a child. However, the "firmness" did not compromise the taste of the sandwich, in fact, it enhanced it. Each bite had excellent consistency and the waffle held together like a true sandwich should. I truly enjoyed every bite of the waffle sandwich and would recommend it to even the skinniest of people. Grade- A-
My mouth + waffle sandwich = fat kid paradise
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