I remember as a young lad, hearing my father discuss what he called "Blint" or belly button lint with my mother. I never thought much of it until years later when my professional career took off and I began wearing button down shirts daily. I remember the first sighting...standing all alone on a cold bathroom floor..gazing into the abyss that is my "inny". But nay, twas not my belly button that gazed back at me. It was a fuzzy blue clump of "Blint" that filled this void.

I've always wondered what I could do to stop this persistent navel nuisance. Turns out, after reading this in depth study, at http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,504067,00.html, there is not much I can do...aside from shaving my entire chest/stomach region.
"Georg Steinhauser, a young, affable Austrian chemist, spent three years gazing at his own navel — and those of friends and family as well — to discover how exactly we get belly-button lint."
What an Effing weirdo...but this weirdo may hold the key to navel future. He goes on to explain the raison d'etre of belly button lint and I have to say, it does not take a chemist to arrive at his results.
Steinhauser says:
"The abdominal hair collects fibers from cotton shirts and directs them into the navel where they are compacted to a felt-like matter."
boo yah, if i don't wear cotton shirts i'll be fine. someone call under armour...I need some effing button downs.
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