I had a real athletic commute to work today. Upon exiting my building I took off at a 3/4 speed jog to the subway at 68th and Lex. Darting in and out of the street traffic, negotiating snow, ice and a hostile early morning bus line I crushed the block and a half that is the first leg of my 4 leg daily quadrathalon. I arrived at the station just in time to hear the subway and decided to "keep fresh" with a nice full sprint down the stairs and into the subway car.

Low on breath but high on determination I rode onward three stops to the Grand Central Metro North terminal. Upon exiting I "puffed" up and clipped a good 3-4 fellow commuters as I rushed to the stairs. I like to establish my physical presence in the realm of crowded commuter war-fare and for that reason I often find myself taking aggressive lines in, out and through the tributaries that are public transport. That being said, I was now forced to tackle a two-set, one flight stair climb that I choose to jog as it would afford me a better split time getting to the train.

I had a deep, to quite deep thigh burn by the time I had reached the top where I began navigating towards the departing train kiosk. After locating my track number I realized the 7:48 I was shooting for was not listed and in its place sat a 7:58. So after mumbling an "Eff me" I sauntered to the train and began my strategic seat selection process.
After choosing a single seat in the middle, I quickly realized there was a metal box below the seat in front of me that would seriously limit my personal leg space. I decided to switch to a double seat but then felt that left me a greater chance of having to sit with someone...which i detest. So I went for the two seaters with one high and one low backed seat thinking with a back pack and jacket I might thwart off any potential "neighbors". I relaxed and dozed off. I was awoken at the 15 minute mark via thigh on thigh contact. Security had been breached, so much for the first half of my effing commute.
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