So after getting dissed across all media outlets, receiving "profanity-laced" voicemails and looking like a grade A chicken loving Ass-Face, Latreasa Goodman is telling her story. "I'm embarrassed to show my face in public," Ms. Goodman says, and I do not blame her one nuggets worth. I must admit the first part of her story makes sense...bought nuggets for $3.49 but didn't get nuggets, starts wil'n out, Mickey D's says no refund STOP "When you feel that you've been mistreated or misused or robbed out of your money, you have the right to call 911," Goodman said. "That's the purpose of 911, so I thought."WRONG...things at this point can be handled in a non 911 manner. But oh hellll no, not the case here because when Latreasa gets's on.

So three 911 calls later, a notice to appear before a court for improper use of 911 and a 20 piece worth of embarrassment it seems Ms. Goodman or L-Nugget, has learned her lesson and will be ordering with more caution. "I'm not going and just giving up my money like that, no, but I'm going to ask them would they please check and see if they have what I want on the menu, and if they tell me yes, then I will order,"
Can I get some BerBQ with that?
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