DChino- your name confuses me...im not sure whether I pronounce the DC and then say "hino" or whether its just D- and then "Chino", which could be a latino reference or your favorite pair of pressed slacks. Once I am able to move beyond the name of your blog and delve deep into the blog I find myself viewing a streaming smear of "Darkons" and I just do not get what that's all about. It's as if you are running a fan blog for Twilight. Our blog shows random pictures as well, but those are of things easily understood such as...meat, five hour energy, a portrait of my girlfriend when she was 5, pictures of things that have overt sexual references and pictures of things that our immaturity makes into a sexual reference...catch my drift? Now moving onto your content, i really can't hate....so i will write this next portion in italics to represent serious SARCASM
Dear D-Chino, I very much enjoy videos of allen iverson breaking someones ankles, articles on shaquille o'neal at a renaissance/stick fighting fare and gheorghe muresean related links...no really, i like the stuff. I also appreciate you exploiting youth jiu jitsu girls and covering the washington capitals daily, without fail.
We write long rambling stories, both personal and observed because that's just what we do. you post video after video and then make a paragraphs worth of comments on each one. Spice up your blog Dorkons
Reasons DC Sucks:
-Georgetown- pretentious crop of standard issue sucksters...Id rather be a hipster than one of those homos.
-If they work on the hill they think they have importance- answering phone calls and giving capitol tours is not important.
-Over wearing of blazers
-Cabs run in zones
-Gay politicians--like actually gay
-Southeast- run whitey run
-Giant penguins roaming the streets looking for cold cuts
-The Washinton Redskins and more importantly Redskins fans
I'll stop there...go eff yourselves
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