Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Youth Sports + Mass Holes = this email
Check out the hilarious email at the link below
Some Effing Links
Sadly, these people are not "on a boat bitch"
I recently discussed my disgust with this streaming update/twitter phenomenom. It seems Twitter and its stupid effing mascot the "fail whale" are gaining cult following on par with "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Tweeter Peeps are holding parties to honor the site, getting tatted up with the "fail whale" and just generally making Dr. SlowEff sick...I pray im strong enough to fend off any urge to get invovled with this shit...Be strong Dr, be strong.
All sorts of weird news not not worth reading
A Cheaper way to fly?
24 Recap: Starkwood's Bait and Switch Makes FBI Their Bitch
Its okay Tony, they got us too. Last night we witnessed a textbook 24 bait and switch when Coach Kilmer’s weaseley assistant juked President Taylor into digitally signing a Presidential Immunity Order and then spin moved out of trouble with his boss after leading the FBI to the wrong storage facility. The hour closed as a tense face-off between Starkwood, a rogue military agency, and the Bureau. Starwood seems prepared to defend their grounds at all costs, totally ignoring that fact that the US government is the US government. I know what you’re think “ohhhh shit, this is about to get ugly” but look for Starkwood’s operatives just to stall the FBI from finding the weapon, they may be brazen, but they aren’t stupid. Then again, they’re in pretty deep so who knows what could happen when radical patriotism trumps common sense.
Now, the emotional part: Bauer has been infected with the deadly biological agent, which from what we saw last night ends in a painful violent death by seizure and paralysis. We’ve been in this situation before team, Bauer’s written off, it seems there’s no way out, and then BAM, he comes back to save the day.
Answer me this: How in the hell could the President’s cabinet stand by while she makes an obviously awful and emotionally-fueled decision by tapping her daughter, the First C, Chief of Staff? I mean give me a break here people, no chance this would ever happen. It’s also very obvious that she’s up to no good, which we should learn more about next week after what appears to be a steamy liaison with her news reporter friend. In the meantime, it’s 2-4, so keep your head on a swivel.
Video of the Day: Dick'll Make You Slap Somebody
Monday, March 30, 2009
On a Boat? Here's What You'll Need

Dr. SlowEff and the SlowEffSquad just can't get enough of The Lonely Island hit "I'm On A Boat" featuring T-Pain. After many weekends spent yelling things at strangers in bars, such as "I'm on a boat bitch" or boasting about ownership of "dolphins", "flippy floppies" and "nautical themed pashmina afghans" I've decided to take a step back and complete a thorough analysis of the must have items required for one to not just "be" on a boat, but more importantly and more difficult, "to be on a boat like Leo"...if you're on the shore here is what you'll needo.
1. A big ass yacht...nothing else will do
2. Friends to be on the boat with you...being on a boat by yourself is just not as cool.
3. T-Pain in a top hat...this gives your boat much needed street cred and someone to sing the hook for your boat song, both of which are crucial to being on a boat.
4. Swim Trunks and Flippy Floppies- absolute must have, don't leave shore without them.
5. Dolphins for doing "flips and shit"...think of this like a real live dingy for off boat excursions and water sports.
6. Santana Champagne- because its so crisp...nuff said
7. Nautical Themed Pashmina Afghan's- This tells everyone you belong on the effing boat, you know the water and it knows you. YOU CANNOT RIDE A BOAT WITHOUT THIS NECESSARY PIECE OF NAUTICAL FASHION...keeps your neck warm on blustery days as well.
It may also behoove you to bring mermaids for effing, a grill for burgers, buoys to climb as there are no trees on the boat and if need be, leave a friend behind at Kinko's where he can make copies.
If you do not have access or ability to purchase/gather all necessary items just remember..."like Kevin Garnett, Anything is Poossssssssible"
Friday, March 27, 2009
Effer of the Week: Officer Powell
This cop is the Effer of the week for being a flat out dickhead. I've watched the video and while it doesn't seem like he did anything blatantly wrong he certainly didn't do anything the proper way at all considering the circumstances. The video and the link don't require explanation, just watch. Officer Powell, you did not have to take that long to write the ticket, you obviously did not grasp the severity of the situation and you obviously have some sort of moral high ground you find yourself on to act in such an effing unaccomodating manner. Check your ego and your badge at the door and return to remedial agriculture classes at the local Plano County Community College you effing eff.
Did Anyone Else Just Cry?
Check out more details at the link below
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Reporter Passes the Eff Out
Extra props to the guy on the left who does absolutely nothing when the girl does a faceplant into the sand.
Beware the special eff-ects of your cell phone...
Now if they can somehow figure out how to dispense butter from these things we've got ourselves a magical combo.
Drug Dealer’s “Stimulus” Plan
Chaos ensued as cars stopped on the shoulder, the median or just the middle of the highway as motorist retrieved the raindrops of Grants and Benjamins.
“People were jumping the median and stuffing dollar bills in their shirts,"
-Reported one resident.
Who would be capable of such an admiral yet idiotic act? Was it famous “make it rainers” such as Lil Wayne or Adam “Pacman” Jones? No, it was two undisclosed suspected drug dealers! In an attempt to either;
A) Stimulate the economy or
B) Avoid additional charges being that they were already effed and being pursued by an entourage of cop cars.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Streaming Updaters= Go Eff Yourselves
Dr. SlowEff has yet to figure out just what type of person it takes to post these streaming messages of personal doo doo butter. As such, I have conducted a sweep of my facebook news feed in search of some of the most horrendous violators of this new age personal pathetic update system,also known as a PPUS or PathetiPuss.
I hope you know these people and I hope some of them read this...its not out of hate, but rather, out of love that I have called attention to this gross misconduct.
wishes more than just one of my RSS feeds would update itself :(
- This person is maybe the number one worst status messanger ever,what the Eff is an RSS feed you dork and why oh lord why do I need to hear about your wishes.
reading some articles this morning... at least I have coffee!!! :0)
- Well isn't this great, you have coffee to help you through some articles...this makes me feel better about having coffee and reading a case file...thanks loser
was so tired a few hours ago, why am I wide awake right now? Damn insomnia...
- OHHH, isn't this a shame. Am I supposed to spend my day feeling sorry that this person I sort of know is having a rough bout with insomnia...NOPE
wonders how you stuff a marshmallow into a piggy bank
-Ahh, the creative updater, asking me questions I'll be forced to dwell upon for the remainder of my life...I don't care about how a marshmallow fits in an effing piggy bank, i only care that it fits in my mouth>>(What she said..oh snap)
just discovered Mistos at Starbucks and is now obsessed
-Well isn't that great. It seems you went to Starbucks and read the menu...clap clap clap...maybe I'll go get a misto because of this.
What scares me most about this new wave of PPUS is that it is spreading rapidly. There is now this awful thing called Twitter that has pro basketball players posting at halftime and pretty much anyone with access to the Internet hoping to get their thoughts (that i don't care about) across to the world. Dr.'s Prescription= go eff yourselves
This video says it all...whether facebook streaming updates or Twitter tweeting, its all just yapping about your unnecessary, unexceptional life.
Tragedy Strikes American Hero Abroad

Although this was thought to be an isolated incident, officials are now concerned about a repeat offender after photos of Babe surfaced this morning.
An Open Letter to dcsleez.com, the "Perez Hilton" of DC
Dear dcsleez.com,
Apologies if we've never heard of your website, it is both out of our demographic range and interest levels. We did, however, manage to do a little background research through some associates from the Metro-DC region after you insisted on taking some jabs. First let us start by saying you guys seem to be running a legitimate blog, one with lots of great information and insightful observations from the District, where as ours is a hobby that we contribute to in our down time. That being said, since you guys are trying to be a legitimate blog I polled some of our contacts in the region to get the scoop on dcsleez.com. Unfortunately, only about 2-3 of the 25 or so people I asked had even heard of your "kind of funny site," that "tries to be the Perez Hilton of DC." Ouch. So excuse me if there is a lack of dirt we can bring to the table. What we can do, however, is use your site's content as fodder itself. From an initial scan, your site delivers weak commentary on the weakest city on the East Coast, and that's fine, because thats what you guys have set out to do. We blog on our interests, whether that be TV, current events, or food that looks like poop served in toilets. And please dont comment on how you may have generated traffic on our site, we dont want your attention, and we don't care about the numbers. Oh yeah, one more thing, dchino is actually operated by a longtime friend of sloweff, who I'm sure is going to offer up his own retort on the situation. Of course there was ill will passed back and forth between our 2 blogs, but that's what a blog-off is, and we don't need to tell you that, you've already drummed up petty disputes when you cant find anything to write about in your blogs past. At the end of the day dchino and sloweff are closer because of our blog off, and now, thanks to you, we've found something else to hate. So keep pretending on being important, keep calling out blogs to help find something to write about, and keep being the arrogant stereotypical cardigan-wearing, collar-popping douchebags that DC is known for, go eff yourself.
-Slow Eff Squad
PS: People that say they party harder normally dont know how to party at all.
PPS: If you guys are trying to find something to post, just write about how you won the Super Bowl.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Cocktioneer Wanted

It seems this young lady, Alina Percea of Romania, is auctioning off her Va Jay Jay in hopes she'll get a bid large enough to pay for her college tuition. She says she hopes to find more than just money through this process stating, “I want to meet a gentle, respectful and generous man." Alina also has papers that guarantee she is a virgin...where does one get ahold of such documents? I've got news for you Ms. Percea, the gentlemen who respond to this auction offer will be anything but gentle and respectable...i'd say they'll fall more along the lines of aggressive, old and a tad bit rapey. But Alina Percea, if by gentle you mean "sloweffs" and by "generous" you mean "well hung", then I believe the staff at SlowEff might be willing to "Fund" you in your quest to attend college. Gidddy UP
Check out the little auctioneer and the rest of her article at the link below.
24 Recap: Bauer Exposed
Now that's what I like to see, good old fashioned 24 action. Last nights ep had all of the makings of a classic episode; big time weapons of mass destruction, Tony Cool and Bauer tag teaming terrorists, and a glimpse into Jack's tortured soul.
Some major events happened last night including the resignation of President Taylors Chief of Staff (brought on by none other than the First C herself. Another glimpse into the First Family that the First Bitch is on track to make a ful recovery after being temporarily paralyzed, choked out, and being pumped full of lead.
But the real action came out of a shipyard in Alexandria, Virginia. In a 9:2 ratio of villain to bad ass, Tony Cool and Bauer relived their glory days, moping out terrorists and taking names.
The big news came in the final minutes of the episode when Bauer was forced to pull over to stop a leaking gas tank from infecting innocent civilians. It was in this process that Jack was exposed to the harmful chemical agent which we learned that during testing in Sengala caused extreme dementia and paralysis leading to an ugly death.
As the world waits with bated breath for his blood work, one can only hope that Bauer will be resilient, as usual. Plus he just signed on for about 3 more seasons so I'd say his chances are pretty good.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Not Cool: Band Girls in Bikinis

During last nights thrilling coverage of the
VCU vs UCLA first round NCAA tournament game, the producers at CBS showed that they're nothing more than a couple of middle aged dirtbags. As underdog VCU closed the gap on Pac-10 powerhouse UCLA, and the pressure of the game intensified, the camera started to focus on 2 bikini clad VCU fans. For those of you not familiar with college sports, VCU stands for Virginia Commonwealth University, a school known more for its French Film Festivalthan its population of attractive co-eds. At first glance it appeared that that these girls were underage VCU superfans who made the trek to support their team. As time wore down it was revealed that these down country vixens were actually members of VCU's pep band. Either way, is it necessary to bombard us with uncomfotable bikini shots during a close college game? I'm all for gratuitous shots during games, but Jenn Sterger these girls are not. Not cool CBS, not cool.

The AXE Eff-ect

In the past few years the market for male body spray, the poor man's cologne, has grown considerably. Leading that charge from the get go was AXE body spray. Offering a wide variety of scents with sexy names, using adjectives that evoke feelings of sex and the smell to boot. Their products range from body spray to shower gel and are all designed specifically to get the owner some desparately needed S E X. The idea AXE has is quite smart. They prey on the average joe and present the products in a light that suggests "with AXE you can be the Man." Sadly, with AXE you can really only be a man who wears AXE...anything beyond that is up to you.
Here is the latest AXE commercial with a little analysis of the situation. It's called the "double pits to chesty backflip" and it can only be down by those who use AXE.
Could this be the worst TV show of all time?
You may have seen this ad, it's being played nonstop on ABC and sister network ESPN. Apparently it's a new saucy NYC cop drama due out this April. All of the one liners in this ad are awful attempts at sarcastic NY cop humor. When a scantily clad woman opens her apt door and say "You're not the pizza boy," the cop responds "And this isn't a porn film." Also, when a giant hot dog asks "hey, dont I get a phonecall" the detective responds "who are you going to call the hamburglar?" One, this is an obvious trademark infringement, and two, yes he actually does get an effing phone call, so pipe down Detective Lolita.
One has to wonder if they're taking the stereotypical NYC sarcasm and wit a little too far, almost seeming like they're tyring too hard to be "New Yorky" which makes them posers in my book. Also, halfway through the ad one of the weak minded cast members attempts suicide while an "F" train is barrelling towards him at full speed. One can only hope the F effs his life up.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Lets Hug It Out Witch

After losing his aunt to "witch craft" Gambian leader Yahya Jammeh, aka Yiggy Jam Jam, has taken his "cause of death" search to the streets. Villagers are being rounded up all over the country by Mr. Jam Jam's personal guard, with the help of witch doctors because they know how to "spot em". They are then taken to government locations and forced to down hallucinogenic concoctions. Sure, Sure Yahya, that will certainly help you find witches, people on hallucinogenics will often times reveal any tendencies or skills they may have in the dark arts.

Dr.SlowEFF does not condone "witch hunts" of any kind.
check out the link below for the full story on the crazy Gambian Witch Hunt
Sirent, but deadry

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sucky Mergers
1) The Left Lane Clogger
They are amongst the most infamous and dangerous people in the world 2nd to maybe Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Solution: Pass on right. You can try to honk and flash your lights, but you will be losing valuable time and traffic will be building behind you (keep in mind that these people are dedicated to the left lane and being in EVERYONES way). Check the right lane AND the right right lane to make sure the coast is clear. Signal and pass. As you are passing, gives two honks of the horn and a giant thumbs up.

These people clearly learned how to drive in Montana or Idaho where the only other object to hit would be a cow or their cousin effing a cow. When merging onto a highway normal human beings drive fast to make the merge easier for everyone on the road. Not these Turtle Mergers, they drive slow and not the cool way like K-West and Paul Wall. "Drive Slow Homie......"
3) The Stopper
The most erratic and inconsistent of all sucky drivers. As their name implies, they stop and it is for NO reason at all. There could be a clear lane in front of them, but they are going to hit their brakes so you potentially rear-end them. Other attributes for The Stopper is the old brake-stop-signal-turn which also could result in a potential rear-end. Usual demographic of such drivers are girls 16-25. Most of the time they are adjusting their Bluetooth or checking the most recent text message from their generic sloppy gorganite friend that reads accordingly:

“OMFG….Last night rocked!!! I was so blacked out I woke up with my thong inside out and my thighs sore…Do you know what happened?”
I think we all know what happened but this discussion is paramount and cannot wait until our friend to be in a position where he/she/it is not in a position not threatening to others.
Solution: Destroy with a rocket launcher immediately so these things cannot procreate.
D.C. = Yucky Effing HIV Haven
District of Coumbia= a whole lot of HIV/AIDS
read the article, stay informed, use protection, don't have sex with multiple partners and Don't live in D.C. or you'll get AIDS
It's a Walk Off: D-Wright Sends Puerto Rico Packing

Who says these games don't matter? In a thrilling 6-5 win over Puerto Rico, the US was able to avenge the team that Mercy-Ruled them 2 days earlier. With the bases juiced in the bottom of the ninth and The Prince of New York at the plate, David Wright hit a walk off flare down the right field line, scoring ad-hoc second baseman Brian Roberts, and arch enemy, yet surprisingly funny Jimmy Rollins.
The US will advance to face team Venezuela and flame throwing closing-prodigy Francisco "K-Rod" Rodriguez.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Good Ole' Peeping Tommy
See for yourself...
Well Jeff, bussted! How embarrassed you must feel huh? I bet it really sucks. Slipping a shoe, equipped with a camera, under a dressing room door is hardly original either. Not even half as original as Eyeborg, and who knows if he will become America's newest Peeping Tom. I think it is only fitting that you are bestowed Effer of the Week. Thanks for keeping it interesting, the competition is heating up!
Sponge Discontinued: Whores S their P's
Bristol Palin: SlowEffed, then Slow Left

Bristol Palin and her boo Levi "Silky" Joooohnston have called it quits....for the time being. When asked about the relationship Levi gave his best 19 year old analysis, saying, "We'll just remain friends for now. We're both cool with that decision, and we'll see... We were just, we were in a fight. And trying to see if we can make things work. But this is what it kind of ended up turning into... It's just us not, me not being mature enough, or something, and having a kid and thinking ... it could be better -- better for us to separate for a while."
Roughly translated this means: "Im looking to eff other girls right now"
24 Recap: Senator Red Dead After Being Pumped with Lead
I have to give it to 24's writers this season. In what seemed like a typical "set-up" episode, action at the tail end made this, yet again, an hour to remember. The prototypical "set-up" episode usually spends most of the hour developing the plot for an action packed following hour...as this one did. But, as the show was winding down, a surprise twist occurred when Black Ops Speical Operative John Quinn cranked about 5 bullets into Senator Red's chest while posing as the DC metro police. Now Bauer is doubly effed: Not only was Senator Red the one person that could help clear his name, but the guy who killed him had to be merked out in an epic construction yard knife fight. (I have to give to Jack here, I think this was the first time he's used a bulldozer to apprehend the enemy.) The good news is that he was able to find a location of the WMD's from Quinn, the bad news is that they're already in the country about to be deployed...in Alexandria, Virginia. On the other hand, I know a few people in the DC metro region, and this may not be bad news at all.
Keep tugging at the sweater, eventually the whole thing will unravel- Bauer's figured out the connection to Coach Kilmer's defense contractor Starkwood and General Juma. The two found a mutually beneficial relationship where Kilmer can develop and test the weapons on the people of Sengala, and Juma can get paiiiid. It's funny to me how these radical protectors of democracy feel that upholding the ideals of America by releasing a devastating biochemical nerve agent
on it's own soil is "fundamentally and absolutely necessary."
Also, keep an eye on the first daughter, or "First C" as I like to call her. She's thrown many curve balls already and definately cant have the best of intentions here-don't be surprised if her and Coach Kilmer are in cahoots.
Monday, March 16, 2009
While in search of Sheriff of Nottingham, Robin Hood gets lost in Bronx; shoots traffic court officer instead

Not Cool: Subway Fart

A new feature topic here on sloweff will be "not cool." Not cool will consist of random observations made while conducting everyday tasks and routines that I deem aren't "cool." Currently I'm on the N,R,W on the way to work on a fantastic Monday morning. The trains crowded, but not overly packed. I'm minding my business, playing brickbreaker, trying to pass the time- when are eerie wofting scent approaches my nostrils. A middle aged man is seated to my left with a newspaper covering his face. I look down, he peers from over the Post and coyly smerks as if he felt guilty about something- the way a kid would smirk after eating the last cookie from the cookie jar. Not cool bro. I'm trying not to slit my wrists as it is and here you are dropping bombs in a subway full of people who probably don't want to smell the onions and meat you had for dinner last night either. To make things worse he rode for 2 stops and just got off as I'm writing this.....the ollllld stink and run- well played sir. Welp, hopefully this has no bearing on the upcoming week.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Video of The Day
EFF Jam of the Day: Smooove
The King of Pop sold out all of his recently announced shows in 4 hours...sloweffsquad salutes you.

How Gay is Your Husband?
Take the Gay Husband Quiz & Find out how Gay Your Husband Is.
To all the ladies in the house...i just saw this link at the bottom of a cnn.com page and figured I would put it up so our female sloweffers can get to the bottom of their relationships. Best of luck finding out the results....Yikes
The Real Stimulus Package?

Effer of the Week: Bernard Madoff

Dear Bernie,
I would normally say effer but in your case you deserve the extra ummph...you are a huge fucker. You robbed friends at your country club, neighbors and associates across the country, countless charities, Elie Wiesel who survived the holocaust, Steven Spielberg and the man, the myth the legend, The Baconator, Kevin Bacon. Who the Eff do you think you are man? How did you maintain relationships with these people, posing as a friend, consultant, money manager, etc...all the while knowing, as you said in court, "the day would come when I would be arrested." Go Eff yourself man! You ruined countless lives...to include your wife, and sons. You claimed that you quickly realized you would not be able to "extricate" yourself or your clients from the scheme and that was in the mid to late 90's.
Dickhead, you could have saved a lot of grief and hardship for a lot of people if you had the sack to come forward with your bullshit financial hoax. But no, not you Bernard, you enjoyed the jet setting, country clubbing and your multiple properties too much to come clean.
I recently heard you were wearing a bullet-proof vest out when you left your apartment...what does it feel like to be hated so much by so many that you need to take those extra measures? It really is too bad no one was able to get a clean shot at your forehead from an undisclosed roof top. And now, as so many were happy to hear, you are stuck in a cell no bigger than a walk-in closet with a "bunk mate" and a visible toilet until your sentencing in June. I truly hope your "bunk mate" digs into you like you dug into other peoples savings Bernard, it's going to hurt in a different way...but hurt none-the-less.
Go Eff yourself Bernard...SlowEff and many many others hope you get the "treatment" you deserve.
Dr. SlowEff and the SlowEffSquad
Thanks to New York Magazine for the altered mug shot.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Bear Market Got You Scared?

Madoff is in jail and the market is on the rise.
Citi stock is up 50% and the future is looking bright for this former penny stock mega-bank.
And most importantly, Britney Spears is back on tour and doesn't look like Crystal, the meth-whore mother of two.
prognosis: Recession OVER
Now get back to lickin' that bulls nuts for the big payout:

More importantly, it's weird how a tracker and pictures popped up on your site soon after we added them...weird?
It doesn't take a genius to realize where the real, firm, solid content is coming from. You guys are the plagirists and dorks.
PS- All you have to do is check the numbers, we run your shit.
“Eyeborg” – Creative Eff-ort

"If you lose your eye and have a hole in your head, then why not stick a camera in there?" – Rob Spence, “Eyeborg”.
Yes, Yes! Mr. Spence, what an idea! For those of you that do not know who Eyeborg is it may be well worth your time to find out now. Not just any cameraman, Eyeborg will use the “hole in his head,” more clearly explained as his eyeball socket, to place a concealed camera inside a prosthetic eyeball. He will wear this eyeball and instantly become a human surveillance machine. Eyeball filming, as it may be called, is pushing the boundaries of existing filmmaking tactics as we know it, and can lead to new and exciting documentaries directly from the perspective of human vision. New technology has allowed the camera to be concealed in many different areas, for example sunglass frames, the button on a lapel, or under the brim of a cap. But inside of an actual eyesocket? From the actual perspective of real human vision? Imagine the possibilities! Spy agencies around the world may one day capitalize on this, allowing once handicapped one-eyed men a new career in eyeball film spying. Will Eyeborg become an international superstar director, capitalizing on his handicap with a novel idea? Surely a possibility, and most likely his goal. Or will Eyeborg become a convicted felon, unable to control the new peeping tom powers he has suddenly found? Chris Hansen may have a new type of predator on his hands if this invention moves forward. Only time will tell....
I ask one question…aside from the very obvious which I will not even mention here, what would you film if you had the ability to put an effing camera in your head?