Dear Michael,
I started dancing to your "Off The Wall" and "Thriller" albums at the age of 6. Jumping from couch to couch, grabbing my crotch, yelling "Ow" in as high a pitch as possible. You were then and are now my favorite musician...despite all of your oddities, your reclusive nature and your black to white re-imaging, I do not care and to some extent did not pay all that much attention to the goings on in your personal life, for me it was always about your music, and that will always remain.
Were it not for a weekend full of set plans I would have liked very much to dance to your songs at bars, in abandoned warehouses, in the middle of a desert, on the streets of a desecrated neighborhood, on a space ship and in front of a green screen, really anywhere would do. Unfortunately, I will have to reserve such enthusiastic remembrance for the confines of my car, my go to dance floor on wheels.
I along with the sloweffsquad hope you find peace in the after life, wherever the eff you might believe that to be...a Disney cartoon, a giant bed full of pillows, inside a giant sparkly glove or in a world full of zombies.
Dr. Sloweff
Here is a link to the official youtube Michael Jackson page. Its full of info but more importantly, has all of his music videos for your viewing pleasure...as the embedding option is not available for us to put them on here.
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