Kathryn Winkfein, age 72, was pulled over on the highway and issued a speeding ticket. When the officer asked her to sign the ticket she grew some balls and let the officer know she wasn't happy. Shouting expletives (ie "eff this", "eff that") she refused to comply with the officer's request...and then things got really real. Officer Bieze opened the car door and explained to little old grandma Winkfein that if she continued to resist he would have to arrest her. She didn't give an eff and continued to cause a scene even after stepping out of her vehicle. It was at that point that Officer Beize told Grandma he would have to taze her if she did not step back from the road and comply...to which she replied "Go ahead, Taze Me", the officer again tried to get control of Winkfein but she twisted away. He again informed her he would taze her if she did not cooperate...at which point she said "I Dare You!"....famous last words Grandma Winkfein...the officer tazed her and arrested her for resisting arrest. Lesson to be learned here people, it does not matter who you are...if you eff with the law/ask them to taze you...ya gonna get TAZED Bitch!
here is the link
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