Everything is positive about this article until they interviewed the all knowing/authoritative Middlesex police chief dork who suggested the approval of Rx nuggets, "will lead to increased marijuana use, increased crime, and an increased threat to public safety." Increased crime?!?! Really?? I would love to hear the story of the blazed out dude who robbed a bank killing innocent hostages, or the hippie who was sooo high (not drunk) he started a bar-room brawl that sent people to the ER. Rack your brains of anything of that sort and you'll get nothing. You know why? The high person representative of this fictitious crime was at home, on the couch, eating Ben & Jerry's Steven Colbert Americone Dream (which is excellent I might add) while catching up on the latest Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode. So eff you James Benson and your Puritan roots. Please follow up on this glorious story below at you leisure....