A closer look at what first appeared to be crop circles in the region of Tasmania has uncovered a very silly reality. Don't worry people, its not aliens, it's just wallabies. The Wallabies are getting high as shit in the legally operated opium fields and then hopping around in circles, which leads to the crop circle-esque patterns that were discovered. Apparently the wallabies are not the only wild life that have been known to get high on the Big O...deer and sheep have also been witnessed "dabbling" in the crops and walking around in circles and baaaa-ing about "profound shit man."
I wonder if these animals are aware of the crop and its effect. Are they intentionally using it for such results and could they develop a chemical or habitual dependency on the stuff?...maybe the wallabies are selling this stuff on the streets or in the bush out of that very convenient front pouch they have...or maybe they're involved with the Russian mob and this opium gig is just a side project to the real bread winner, the caviar smuggling trade of course???
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