For anyone who has been following the NBA Playoff broadcasts on TNT and or for those who already watch shows on the network, did you hear about how TNT knows drama? I mean what the shit...I can't get through a commercial break on that channel with out being eye effed by "Saving Grace", "Leverage","The Closer", "Raising The Bar", "Dark Blue" and "Hawthorne" one after the other. I get it gang, you have a new "intense", "gritty", "edgy", "suspenseful" lineup and you want to push that shit hard...but don't push too hard or you will crap your proverbial "network pants"...FACT. Here is a brief breakdown, as i see it, of your new "hot" summer lineup:
"Saving Grace"- a tough minded woman with an axe to grind with law breakers and personal demons to boot takes to the small screen and mixes things up. She's not a afraid to chug whiskey or get frisky with those she encounters...plays by her own rules kind of gal.
"The Closer"- Kevin Bacon's chick closes cases...straight up she closes them....that's why its called The Closer because when things are open and other people can't close them she comes in and closes them...its just how she do.
"Leverage"- A group of experts composed of "The Mastermind", "The Thief", "The Internet Expert", "The Retrieval Specialist"(hahah) and "The Grifter"....this squad is like a modern day Robin Hood et al running around and using "leverage" to help the little guy and punish those who do wrong. I've seen this show and i didn't not enjoy it...that does not mean it's worth watching.
"Raising The Bar"- A young lawyer played by Mark Paul Goosllaar aka "Zach Morris" tackles hard ethical issues and the system while trying to maintain his own standards. I'll watch it for Mark, "Zach Morris" was and always will be an idol of mine...he taught me that things can always be fixed with big cell phones and big smiles...best of luck to him on this endeavor.
"Dark Blue"- Holy shit balls these guys are in so deep the blue of a cops uniform is now dark blue. Looks like an emotional depiction of the drama that takes place as undercover officers walk the fine line between their jobs and becoming those they are out to stop.
"Hawthorne"- Bitch please...you don't mess with this Registered Nurse. Jada Pinkett Smith brings intense energy inside the walls of the hospital...saving lives both on and off the operating table is just your average day...and they also say something about "being a hero" or some shit in the ad.
So there you have it, the TNT lineup as understood by Dr. Sloweff with aggressive help from the constant bombarding of commercials during NBA playoff broadcasts.
I think I'll watch each show once and rank them in a post to follow...eff
You don't mess with R.N.s....