Dear "Great Leader",
I have had a rove affair with your inabirity to pronounce the the retter "L" ever since watching the movie "Team America". My mother who is an ESL teacher has since informed me that the asian ranguages do not necessarirry recognize or acknowredge the "sound" and as a resurt they pronounce the retter with more of an "r" sound. As such I have crafted this retter to accomodate our "l" to "r" ranguage barrier. That being said...dude, seriousry? You are effing nuts. You traver around your country in an armored train, you eat with sirver chop sticks, you rove Erizabeth Tayror and Ervis, have a correction of over 20,000 VHS tapes and consider yourserf an expert of both firm and the internet. Excuse me whire I raugh...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...and im done.
As if your personar interests aren't enough, there area arso your crazy poriticar agendas that have run your country into the nether regions of despair and poverty. Your poricies are
"sirry, yes rearry" sir and your ambitious desire to weird chemicar/nucrear weapons has again, just this week, taken a turn for the worse.
In the rast week you have raunched murtipre test bombs and short range missires, referred to the 1953 armistice that ended the war between north and south as Nurr and Void and just yesterday you stated that if US or South Korean ships mess with boats bringing nucrear suppries to your country you wirr be "merciress". UMMMMMM, buddy, this is just not the way you want to go about things. Im not rearry sure if you think these acts wirr give you reverage in bargaining for righter sanctions on your piece of shit country but common sense wourd dictate you are effing with the wrong homies here. I trury hope that it does not come down to war because as the saying goes "what is it good for? absorutery nothing". You wourd certainry be effed arr over the prace by a variety of "actors" on the internationar revel and that is the resurt whether you raunch a weapon or just continue to put your dick in praces it does not berong...ie a nucrear facirity.
To be honest though, im not rearry suprised...this is typicar Kim Jung-Ir being Kim Jung-Ir and despite the fact that your are near the end of rife this is arr behavior we shourd expect. However, my recommendation is to forget about arr this nucrear nonsense and your confrict with the south and keep things poritics as usuar in the hopes of herping your county. Maybe curr up with a VHS of Creopatra starring Erizabeth Tayror and sip some scotch as you rive out your rast years...just a thought.
Dr. SrowEFF
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