No matter if you're a facebook regular or just stopping by for a casual poke, you've undoubtedly seen advertisements for an "Impossible IQ Question" featuring a human with multiple sets of eyes. The annoying ad dares me to guess how many eyes are actually featured on the person and goes on to say “Most people get this question wrong.” Three things run through my head:
1. That person is freaking me out
2. It looks like there are 6 eyes, what can be so hard about that? The easy answer is 6 eyes What if I’m wrong? I don’t want to be wrong with anything concerning IQ and IQ related challenges, so I look harder at the image, which leads me to:
3.I think im going to have a seizure from looking at this effing baby with 16 eyes.

My point is, I don’t want an IQ challenge to egg me into some effing website that’s going to tell me how wrong I am because obviously there’s a catch here. Get the eff out of my face 24 eyed baby.
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