In a recent string of pictures captured by a very sneaky photog and then posted on, Ms. Hillary Duff was caught being proposed to, accepting said proposal, crying and then snapping a cell phone snippet to show her friends and fam. More importantly, she was then caught graciously felattio-ing her appreciative fiance. There are apparently four words a girl likes to say, those being, "he went to Jared." Well I say eff that because there are five words every guy loves to say, those being, "she went down on me." Here's the link below.
I don't know all that much about you. I am aware that you are a well known singer songwriter, famous for songs such a "Save The Last Dance" and "I'm Your Man". Aside from this I really have no idea where to place you, at least I didn't until recently. While watching an episode of SNL in my bed late one night I was suddenly forced upright when you came on to perform your latest musical number, "Haven't Met You Yet." I was instantly overcome with emotion, joy, wonder and feelings of love. Maybe it was your lyrics speaking to me as you explained that you've "broken your heart so many times you stopped keeping count" or your encouraging mantra of somehow "I know that it will all turn out, you'll make me work so we can work to work it out", or maybe it was just my love for songs with horns and shit. Regardless, I became an instant fan of this song. I listen to it while driving the lovely and romantic beach front roads of sunny California. I listen to it while I shower in the morning. I listen to it when I occasionally do sit ups in my apartment. Bottom line is this, I listen to it...a lot and I don't feel gay as in homosexual gay but rather, I feel gay, like really really happy gay, when I hear this song. I was also comforted by the fact that you performed on the Colbert Report, a show not known for being G-A-Y. All in all I'm so very grateful for my recent discovery of your music and I will give a good faith investigation into your other songs...eventually. For now I guess I happy knowing that I have met you and in that I can see it will all work out.
Eff SATC2, the most anticipated sequel of the year premiered last week during the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. As you may or may not recall, back in December of 2008 we learned of one of the most delicious love triangles in the history of time. In short, this woman felt the need to flaunt her affinity for juicy, tender pieces of love in front of her smooth singing jilted lover. After much speculation of "Dippin" on him, our forlorned songster finally confirms that his stingy boo has been enjoying another's savory 100% all white meat and not letting him in on any of the action.
Well, good news, after a year of seemingly intense couples therapy, it seems as though the C has finally learned how to share. In an upbeat, more rhythimc chapter of this spicy love story, nay sweet and spicy love story, the woman returns- this time, with enough to satisfy her hungry mans.